Manuscript Download and Author instructions

Preparation of the Manuscript
Manuscripts must be written in the Microsoft Word program, using the 12-point Times New Roman
font, with a 1,5 line spacing and without leaving spaces between paragraphs. Research articles must
be between 5.000 and 8.000 words in length. Essays, book reviews and statements will be prepared
taking a total of 1.000 to 3.000 words into account. Please use the ManuscriptTemplate.
Submitted manuscripts must contain the following:
 An anoymised manuscript (including the title and abstract), which should not contain any
sort of information identifying the author. The abstract must be between 200-250 words,

and include five keywords. The abstract must be written in a single paragraph and briefly
describe the research question, the theoretical approach, and the findings of the manuscript.
 A title page containing the complete title of the manuscript, as well as the names and full
professional affiliation of the authors, including a weblink to their institution, their contact
 Submissions ideally should be no longer than 8000 words (font Times New Roman, font size 12, single-
spaced). Longer papers may be sent back to authors for reduction prior to the review process. Authors
will not be penalized for succinct papers.
 Manuscripts must be in English (US spelling).
 Write in an interesting, readable manner. Short simple sentences and paragraphs, clear logical flow,
and ample use of subheadings reduce the reader’s workload and improve readability. Minimize the
passive voice, and avoid first-person narrative (e.g., we/I); refer to yourself as “the author” or “the
author of the current study”.
 Background and literature reviews should be focused on issues of direct relevance only. 
 Do separate out the results and discussion sections, so the distinction between the findings and the
interpretation of these findings is obvious to the reader.
Title and authors:
 Use short, impactful titles to attract the attention of readers—a combination of a short title and a
subtitle help advertise the most important content.
 The title page must list the full title, names, academic or professional affiliations and complete email
addresses of all authors.
 In case of multiple authors of one article, all authors should be displayed on a new line, followed by
organization details, separated by commas. 
 Abstracts and key words:
 Each paper should be summarized by an abstract of approximately 200 words.
 The abstract will encapsulate the principal subjects covered by the paper which will be used for
 The summary should be understandable to readers who have not read the rest of the paper. 
 It should not contain any citations of other published work.
 With the abstract should also be sent the article's key words. There should be a number of 5 key
 Tables/Figures should have titles and be numbered consecutively, and be placed in the main body of
the text. 
 We discourage heavily detailed charts and ask you to be selective in your use of graphics altogether:
up to 3 in each paper.
Text notes: 
 Do not use footnotes.
 Please use text notes.
 Reference cites in the text of a manuscript should be in parentheses, by author's last name and year of
publication [e.g., (Smith, 1980)]. 
 If an author's name is used within a sentence, the name should be followed by the year of publication
[e.g., by Smith (1983)]. 
 If a page is cited, it should be noted within the parentheses [e.g., (Smith, 1985, 35)]. 

 For multiple-authored publications, up to three authors, all should be cited. 
 Publications with four or more authors should be cited by the first author's name, followed by "et al."
[e.g., (Smith et al., 1985)].
 Acknowledgments may be used and are encouraged.
 All references should be included and listed alphabetically by first author’s last name at the end of the
paper in the reference section.
 Here are some examples of specific kinds of references (based on APA
o Shipley, W. C. (1986). Shipley Institute of Living Scale. Los Angeles, CA: Western Psychological
o Anderson, A. K. (2005). Affective influences on the attentional dynamics supporting
awareness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 134(5), 258–281. doi:
o Uchter, L. (2007, July 6). Ipsos: Social Networking Becoming Dominant Web Activity
Worldwide. Media Post. Retrieved on July 15, 2009, from;s=63603&Nid=320