Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The official languages of the journal are English and Romanian.
All articles are reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board and the Review Members’ Board. Decisions will
be made as rapidly as possible and the journal strives to return reviewers’ evaluations or comments to authors
within 4 weeks. The accepted manuscripts will be published within two months after submission, by the end of
the current year and volume number.
Submission of a paper is done with the specification that the article has not been published before. Once the
manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author must provide a final version incorporating the
referees’ comments and a Copyright Agreement will be signed.
The Editorial Board of the journal is committed to the standards required for an ethical publication process at
all stages, with the following being expected from editors, peer-reviewers, and authors:
 The editors require the authors to provide a submission statement of originality regarding the text, as
well as an acknowledgement of any form of funding received for the research in the text
 The authors will attest that the manuscript is not submitted, undergoing review, or published
 Manuscripts must meet the formal requirements found in the Submission Guidelines or they will not
be accepted.
 The reviewer will inform the Editors in the case of any conflict of interests or if the evaluation of the
manuscript is not possible for any other reason.
 The reviewer will follow the standardized form provided by the Editors.

 Every manuscript submitted to the journal will be subjected to an evaluation by the Editors, followed
by a double-blind evaluation undertaken by two external referees.
 The Editors will not accept any sort of unethical behaviour and all acts suspected of malpractice will be
thoroughly investigated.
 The Editors will correct any proven major inaccuracy or misleading statement that has been published
in the journal.
 Any articles which are proven to be plagiarised will be retracted. The journal uses the Turnitin
platform for detecting textual similarities.